Analytical Services
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SpectraPower LLC offers complete battery and battery materials analytical services. This includes both our in-house capabilities as well as managing sample harvesting and sample preparation for out-sourced characterization and data analysis.
Gurley Air Permeability Testing: testing porosity of films by air permeability
Low Pressure Swelling Measurements
Peel/ Pull/ Tensile Strength Testing: testing adhesive properties of a film on a substrate: i.e. ceramic coatings of separators
Environmental Testing
Precise Technical Measurement (Micrometer/ Goniometer/ Scale)
Thermal Shrinkage Testing: measures the amount a battery separator shrinks when exposed to high temperatures, which is crucial for assessing potential safety issues like thermal runaway, as significant shrinkage can lead to internal short circuits within the cell due to the closer proximity of the electrodes when heated
SEM/ EDS and FIB-SEM/ EDS: high-magnification imaging of material structure. Electrode and separator layers
GCMS (Gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy): composition analysis of battery electrolytes
IC-MS & LC-MS (ion chromatography [IC] & liquid chromatography [LC] with mass spectroscopy): identification of battery materials; electrolyte, anions, and cations
ICP-OES (Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry)
DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter): determining heat capacity of battery materials
Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry: evaluation of porosity, pore size distribution, and pore volume of films and powders